I want a President who....

I woke up this morning thinking about the Presidential race here in the United States. I have a candidate that I'm backing, but deep down I don't see any of the candidates as really moving our country in the right direction.

Politicians all come onto the scene wanting to make changes and help people. I do believe that. But somewhere along the path they pick up speech writers and policy advisors and analysts and something happens. They decide to run a 'winnable' campaign. They tell us what the pollsters tell them we want to hear and then they get elected and end up making policy changes that will be good for their re-election.

I want a President who can sit down at a town meeting and also address Congress and tell it like it really is.

I want a President who will say the government is for it's citizens not for lobbyists. Someone who will make a stand and say that making sure no one in this country goes homeless and who will say that we don't need a $50,000 annual grant so one man can study the mating habits of dragon flies. Instead let's use that money to get one of our citizens into drug counseling and find him a safe place to live. Sure the dragon fly mating habits may be very useful to science, but that's not our nation's job to provide that research. Let business and private funding support that.

I want a President who will implement programs to fight for our kids. Let's take them back from the gangs. Let's figure out why our kids kill and get more counselors and student support in our communities and schools. Let's be realistic and acknowledge that the entertainment industry cannot continue to flash violent images across our televisions and game consoles and then say their products have nothing to do with increasing child violence. No, they aren't at fault for our declining social values, but they are definitely a piece to the puzzle. We need to educate our parents and spend money on programs that will help them.

Let's talk about programs that will engage our children and provide them with trained, adult supervision during times when parents are both at work trying their best to put food on the table and a roof over their family's head. If you want to spend $50,000 to research fireflies mating habits, then put it in the form of a student grant and let a team of scientific minded students earn money for their school by doing that research.

I want a President who's more interested in helping criminals reform and preventing other citizens from turning to crime than they are in building more prisons. Our prison system doesn't work. How can anyone think that locking a bunch of hardened criminals up together is going to produce anything but tougher criminals? We all know how much peer pressure can weigh on a person of any age and get them to conform. You lock a person up with criminals for 10 years then set them free, they just had a ten year education from the people we lock up to keep them away from us. You cannot reasonably expect to rehabilitate a person using that model. We need to treat each criminal as a human being and figure out what went wrong in their life to get them there. Then we need to put our government to work to give them the training, counseling and support, and peer pressure needed to turn their lives around. Take them out of that world and give them a new set of peers who will hold them to a higher standard and teach them to feel good about themselves. A criminal should never even see another criminal while they are being rehabilitated. They need to learn how to live without crime.

If our government cared as much about each and every one of it's citizens and spent it's money to ensure that none of us got left behind, the other problems of our world would fix themselves. People would choose for themselves to save the environment and to protect nature. Theft would decline. Business would thrive. Big business would support the researchers and the scientists. Our government would support it's citizens.

I want a President who will remember that our forefathers came here to give us a better life and that it's WE THE PEOPLE who they work for and who are trusting them to remember and give a damn about. When every citizen is important to their country from the most wealthy to the most poor, and our government goes out of it's way on all levels to make sure no citizen is left behind.

Is there any candidate out there with the strength and moral fiber to hold up to this standard?


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