Passing on...

One constant in the world is that the older you get, the more deaths you'll encounter of friends and loved ones. There is also an old saying that people go in three's. This year at least it's been true. I've lost my Grandma in April, one of my dogs in October and now a 30 year family friend two days ago.

A part of me is sad for these losses because I can't see their faces or hear their voices any longer. But another part of me is joyous because they have gone back to God and have no more pain, no more illness, no more suffering. I'm also happy because I still carry them in my heart everywhere I go and when I need some words of wisdom or someone to cuddle up against.. I can just think of them and feel their spirit still with me, still loving me.

If there is a lesson to be learned from death, it's to appreciate your loved ones while they are here. Show them you love them with your kindness. Tell them you love them with your soft words. And truly, deeply love them with your deeds. Then when the day comes that you can't just call them on the phone or go to their home you can just close your eyes and let your lifetime of memories with them grace you and guide you.

In loving memory of Edna, Hazel and Tom. May God be with you and may you be in my heart today and always.


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